Residential cleaning service in San Diego is a perfect gift for your wife. Whether it is a special occasion or just a special act, hiring a cleaner to take care of the dirty work, at least for one day, is a special gesture that should keep you out of the dog house for awhile.
According to an MSNBC study about household chores, 51 percent of women said that chores around the house were shared, yet 74 percent of the men surveyed thought the chores were shared. The survey also reported that 49 percent of women thought one person did all the household work, while only 26 percent of men though the chores were done by one mate. These numbers point to the fact that men may exaggerate their role in doing household chores – taping the remote back together may count as a household chore for men, but women don’t it equate it with doing the dishes, washing the clothes, and scrubbing the toilets.
Because women, and even working women still seem to do the greater share of household chores, hiring a residential cleaning service in San Diego may be a better gift than a bouquet of flowers. Doing chores is a repetitive and dull experience and most people don’t like to do it. Those who can afford to hire a cleaner, usually have one come every week. However, in these difficult economic times, when people are trying to scrimp and save on all aspects of the household budgets, the cleaning lady usually gets eliminated from the monthly expenditures.
Though budgets may be tighter than they used to be, most everyone can afford to hire a cleaner from time to time. Hiring a residential cleaning service in San Diego for your wife is one of the sweetest ways to say “I love you.” Imagine how happy she will be when you tell her that cleaners will be coming to mop, sweep, dust, scrub, and vacuum – they will be doing all the work, at least for one day or week, instead of her.
Hiring a residential cleaning service in San Diego can make a relationship less stressful. Running a household is like a business. Planning, shopping, budgeting, cleaning, and throw in child care and transportation for the little ones, and it takes strategic planning to make everything run smoothly. The household chores are one of the most stressful components of running a household, and if tasks aren’t completed in a timely manner, or if one person feels as if the other is lagging, then irritations increase, arguments abound, and tempers erupt.
But, listen up guys – want to make a great impression on your wife? Want to give her a helping hand without lifting a finger? Hiring a residential cleaning service in San Diego allows her relax, at least for a short time, and allows her to remember what a special husband you are. Say “I love you” with a meticulously cleaned house!