Residential cleaning in Mission Valley CA is a great gift for your spouse. No one thinks of house cleaning as a gift, and it certainly isn’t romantic, but it can be a very thoughtful present for the person who does the majority of the household chores. Though stay-at-home dads have gotten plenty of attention in the past decade, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women still do most of the housework. Multiple studies have shown that women still do approximately two-thirds of the housework. Because women bare the brunt of cleaning up the family’s messes, there is no doubt that a gift that comes with someone vacuuming, dusting, scrubbing, washing, and mopping is one that will make her as happy as a box of chocolates.
Giving residential cleaning in Mission Valley CA as a gift is great for families in which both partners work. Even in these families, women still do more of the cleaning. Husbands tend to add chores like grocery shopping and taking the kids to school, but they are more reticent to assume those chores that involve a vacuum, mop, dishwasher, or clothes dryer. Many of these families cannot afford to have a cleaning service on a weekly, or even monthly basis. Many families who previously were able to afford one, have cut back since the recession hit in 2008. For these working wives, having someone clean the house is a dream come true.
Some enthusiastic husbands might think that they can offer their cleaning services as a gift. Instead of hiring a company that offers residential cleaning in Mission Valley CA, they try to save some money and still do something nice for their spouse. This is one of those gifts which fall into the “it’s the thought that counts” category. Good intentions often start out great, but fail to live up to the promise. If you think you can clean an entire house in one try, then by all means, go for it. However, your energy and attention often wanes, and after two bathrooms, men usually realize what a daunting task it is to clean an entire residence. You will probably still get a “A” for effort, but your wife will still need to vacuum and clean the kitchen.
Once you have determined that your cleaning ability is sorely lacking, it is time to search for residential cleaning in Mission Valley CA. In the digital age, this is a snap, or, actually, a click. Using a computer and a mouse, you can find plenty of companies vying for your business. Search online classifieds or online review sites to find the local deals. Your computer can also be used to search for reviews and testimonials on various companies. Using the Internet it is easy to pick a winner and find the best residential cleaning in Mission Valley CA, and give a gift, though not quite as wonderful as jewelry, that she will actually love you for!